Come in, Kara. Her voice threatens to crack at her name, her throat wanting to close and never open again. He raises his other arm and she crawls under it, wrapping his arm around her. Kara and Mon-El intercept a message about Cadmus as they fly through the city. I deserve to die for hurting you so badly. Well, obviously Alex is pregnant. "He has a wife. Kara cranes her neck forward, stopping a few inches from his face. Shoot me, Lena. It made me feel a little less lonely when I found this. How did you do it? Karamel is the het ship between Kara Zor-El and Mon-El from the Supergirl fandom. In the midst of Kara coming to all these revelations, her hearing had suppressed to a constant ring loud enough to drown out the opening of her door, and the Louis Vuitton heels making their way to her. Did Kara break up with you?, Why does everyone assume she would be the one to break up with me? I had promised myself after Lena and Is blowout I would never start something with anyone because I had to lie. She doesnt trust you and your alien makeup. The roles have reversed, havent they? She gives a soft chuckle and rubs the top of his thumb with hers. You cant move or else you will damage yourself more. Yeah, why?. The two sisters, one defenseless as the other rearranges her features. I can tell you this. Well, what are you thinking about?, Kara sighs, her eyes closed. Lena, I was a villain. It had felt so long since he saw a view this simple. But as shes had to do all day, she reminds herself of what this truly is. But with her face, came a clue. But not this time. Being in this confined space, it was irony. Sorry if that bothers you. She knows what she has to do. Be quiet, she responded, and burst into the sky. She cant help her sister. How did you? She glances between Mon-El and her mother. Yes, he whispers. . What is going to happen between you?. At that moment, Alex runs into the loft, frantic, dropping the bags of takeout she had brought. She had raked her brain for the current people in her life. And if I make a mistake, it needs to be my guilt if I accidentally take you down., You wont be able to have guilt, Jonn interjects, setting down his marker. She stops opening the bag that is starting to infuse the loft with Chinese food and looks at Alex. And tell Mon-El her voice cracks when she gets to him, knowing he will be heartbroken when he finds out about her death. I have to get out there, she tells, staring at Alex with hopeful eyes. Wait, Brainy! Nia calls, following him on his heels. Alex and Lena both entered, the door sliding closed behind them. Mon-El decides, after a few months it was time for a surprise visit to National City. Troubles Performing?, Kara laughs out loud, throwing her head back and cackling. Kara couldnt go a day when they were together without telling him what she was thinking or how she felt. I heard you. And she collapses to the ground. How?. Lena puts a hand to her mouth, almost crumbling at the sight of her. An advantage. Brainy looks up at her, silently agreeing. Kate leans back, lifting her arms in confusion. Heroing and all, Lena teases. And they did. Why? Kara asks, her voice weakening. She enters the infirmary shower and turns the faucet, beginning to undress and grabbing the bottom of her wet shirt, pulling it up. And I stand by that! I dont know, it just gives me the courage to actually do this. She holds up his hand and then drops it back down. But here she is, just Kara. I care so much about both of you. Kara does. Two cups of half-drunk coffee sit at each end of the long table, hundreds of files and papers spread between them. Jonn faces her. Especially when you write from your heart. She stabs a noodle. Il avait d l'entendre arriver, comme chaque fois et peut-tre aprs avoir frl le pire elle saute trop vite des conclusions ngatives, ses yeux cherchant un instant un possible danger ou menace. She wants to tell her its not her fault, Kara couldnt have known Lenas plan. Run it myself, work with people who care deeply about what our population reads. His cheeks redden before he continues. They all look around to each other, their gazes bouncing across everyones face. When you found out why didnt you come to me right away? What?, He tilts his head toward the kitchen. "That wasn't my question. She closes her eyes, not knowing how she let the act get this far. But just before she gets out of earshot, she glances over her shoulder with her lips curled. Her mouth drops and her arms fall to her sides. Kara paces in front of Nias desk, listening to her prodigy present an article. When it was published in Catco, his business skyrocketed. She takes Karas hand and her friend gives her a reassuring squeeze. But she needed to be the hero. They cant. Across the building, the front doors open wide, a parade of security entering. But before it even reaches her chest, a small sound erupts on the ground in front of her. Now, he hesitantly opens the door to the room he and Imra share, finding her sitting on the bed staring at the door. When she catches her breath, she looks up at her, at the gun too close to her eyes, at the Luthor brother standing just over her shoulder, always looking down on her. His wife was curled up against him, tucked under his arm as they rested in the DEO lounge. Is currently ruining me. He leans toward the table, close to Alex. Her head snaps to the door and she tilts it, listening. He stops abruptly, so abruptly his waist smashes into the gurney and the blood splashes out of the container, half of its contents on Karas stomach. But her face. On a table are Lexs journals, pages open and dog-eared, highlighted and annotated. I need to talk to you. We have no way of getting to her, making contact, tracking her, so well have to do it the old fashioned way.. And friends I dont really have time for those at the moment. She looks up, smirking at Alexs raised eyebrows. I didnt need to justify that. Woah, Kara. Oh, dear sister. Before she even left the DEO, she removed her suit meticulously and folded it neatly. The woman didnt evenlook at her. This was the truth. No, Mxy answers. The whole superheroing business was new to her, and being in a government facility that specialized in it seemed crucial for her to stay a bit longer. Supergirl, she begins, pausing purposefully. The monitors display images of the brain, certain lobes highlighted and marked specifically. Lena was a Luthor at heart. Kara clears her throat. A small circle of greens veins sprouts between Karas eyes and she winces, touching her fingers to the spot. You know, you and Oliver and Barry always called yourselves the Superfriends, she starts, wiping her mouth. She takes a step away from him, knowing what she is about to say next will cause her to do something she wont want to regret. No more Supergirl. Youre going to kill her! Alex pleads, desperately wishing she had Kryptonite with her and hating that she let her sister get this far. Im glad we could work this out appropriately, she says, her monotoned voice coming out to disguise her true feelings toward their conversation. But I can also see through it., Oh, dont be like that. But she can get her moving. Ill see you at work, he says, giving a wave before stepping away as she closes the door, nodding. I mean, she could be in real danger if she is involved., I agree with Alex, Lena says, finishing wrapping Karas leg. Ive been through enough to figure that out. Intrigued, Mon-El takes it from her, inspecting the stick. You dont want to know how much that cost, Mxy says, tapping his ring finger. Kara pulls away, shifting her purse. Lena, what are you doing here?, Lenas bottom jaw juts out, her lips quivering with anger. I know I was homesick when I first came to Earth, Kara starts, wrapping her other hand around his waist and pulling him close. And maybe its because I come from a family who has done everything wrong that I feel the need to fix it. It wasnt as intimate as holding her hand, but it wasnt completely cold as not touching her as they walk. Turning her back to the encased hero, she walks through, leaving Kara all alone. And I mean, everything., He drops his head, rubbing her back and shin. Yeah, she whispers, nodding. So what am I supposed to do then?, Lena laughs, throwing her head back. Supergirl? Cat counters, raising her eyebrows. Kara yawns, groaning. I dont think Ill ever hear the end of it if I left and didnt tell her., Alex smiles slightly, wringing her hands. But its Nia. How did you come back? Jonn asks, walking up to the end of her bed. She quickly ties her hair back in a low ponytail, then gathers the courage to approach her friend. She takes Lenas hand in hers. She squats down, wrapping her arms around Alex but then letting go immediately as she is stung at their touch. IF you want to read this giant meandering thing in chronological order, refer to chapter 1. And this friendship was stretching farther than just the crisis situation, but into one of their worlds as well. Sam doesnt move, doesnt even flinch. It was inevitable.. Why? We have a whole pizza and a bag of potstickers we havent even gotten into and I know I cant eat anymore, Alex says, taking a bite of ice cream. Do you remember when I perfected the formula for Kryptonite, and I brought it to the DEO because I thought it could help you fight Reign?, Kara grits her teeth, eyeing the gun. Lena gets tickets to watch a soccer team in National City and meets the star player, Kara Danvers. But we help make ourselves better because of them. He points to Kara and Alex nods, allowing him in. And now youre going to get us out of here, Alex says, staring at her intently. I am not like him., How? Kara asks, being blown by her own imaginary wind. God, youd think with running a company this long the editors would know what we look like, Cat says, opening her eyes and pounding a fist on her desk. That Im the one who snuffed your light? Her brother sits at a candlelit dinner, two cloches covering plates. Tell her whatever you have to, but we need her., Jonn stalls, knowing if he tells her the truth, he would not only be telling her sister but also her best friend. Lena, she gasps, overwhelmed with relief. Kara, you should know Ive sedated him. Kara looks away, thinking. Bitter tears over you weeks before. Those bitter tears almost come back to Lena, but she clenches her jaw, willing them to stay inside her eyes. Kara Zor-El is Supergirl and she is A Hero. Her breaths become more rapid, more rushed as she tries to explain herself. That time on the plane, when we were going to Kaznia. And Kara can barely look at her. Please consider turning it on! Well, it was nice seeing you again, Maggie.. I knew I was all along. Lena gasps, biting her lip. See, thats the thing. Why would Lex Luthor be behind a signal to the Legion? Weve talked., He smiles, shaking his head. So, I just wanted to let you know that I am grateful for the friendship weve had., She may not see it the way I do, but my guilt has built up for too long not to tell her., Ill be fine, Alex. But her thoughts are instantly wiped away when she feels the surging pain in her chest. You had me believing you actually hated Supergirl., Lena almost chokes on her whiskey. When Alex was sixteen, she received a dog. Dont worry, Kara. Because Ive done the same. Karas head tips to the side as she listens curiously. Then we cant let it get out of control, Jonn says smartly, standing from the table and walking over to the whiteboard set up at the front of it. Alex knew normal DEO agents would not work with her plan. I loved her so much, she cries, leaning forward and falling into Lenas lap. He hadnt given up on her. Coming to a new city and being the new guy its very isolating. He turns to her, watching as she continues looking out at the view. I guess I have to be grateful for him., I shouldnt be, right? Mon-Els job was to check in on her every once in a while, either by text message, phone call, or showing up at her apartment, which was exactly what he was doing now. A rival to Kryptonians. To be honest, when Kara had told her face-to-face, revealed her identity, Lena didnt think she would ever tell her. What are you doing here?, Ill follow you around to each moment to let you know more details. Okay, she mouths, her voice too stunned to work for her. She throws off the covers tiredly and fumbles towards the door. At that moment, Hope decides to show her face. Boxy computers and gritty screens struggle to keep the picture steady. Ill be right back, okay? The alien barely nods and closes his eyes. You can do it. Kara, I know what I said. Because Im supposed to be the Paragon of Hope, arent I? Because I knew you would deny it. Okay, I think you had a little too much to drink, Kara says, settling her in and standing back up. She didnt want her death to be played repeatedly on television. Sorry lads. Im here now. Their lips press together and they melt into each other. She was adopted, she had been in a wonderful relationship with a man who loved her, she had a family that extended much farther than her sister. I would have never let anything happen to you, Kara whispers. I hurt her!. They will need to work as one to help Lena. When Cadmus was stealing aliens from Earth to turn them into slaves, Alex was aboard the ship that was on a course to space, never to be seen of again. So strong. Lenas eyes fill with tears, but she doesnt dare let one drop. Kara glances at her, the inhales deeply. Yes, I know its you. Im sitting this one out. She just pretended to get close to you. Talking to herself and pacing. Alex? He calls, unsure, softly rapping his knuckles on the door. Her insides burn, can feel the fire of the gunpowder flaming under her skin, yet she tightens her grip on Alex and pulls her into her chest. Do you believe she still loves me? She would recognize that voice anywhere. And something in Lenas stubborn make-up switches off. The crisis was over. Kara sucks in a breath, not wanting her sister to see the state shes in but obeys her wishes. She pushes past Alex and marches through the door, eyes watering when she sees him. Tell Jonn that I loved him like a father, and that I hope he can find his path soon, Kara begins, starting her list of farewells. When she is finished, her captor looks over her shoulder, reading. A figure sits at her island, illuminated only by the bar lights that hang above the counter. But, maybe just visit him and let him know whats happening back on his Earth. Um Yes Yes, she will be there. But this Lena this isnt you., A solitary tear rolls down Lenas cheek. Its Collum State Park. She takes off her sunglasses, as well as her shoes. Cat glances up and sees her, beckoning her with a finger. Lena retracts the gun just enough for them to disappear, and Kara looks up at her confused. I love you, and you will always be my best friend., Lena stares at the ground, twisting her fingers. Every apology, every argument weve had its been with Supergirl. Its pale with exhaustion, red and dry eyes, lips cracked and broken. A voice coming toward them stops him in his tracks. But I do wonder sometimes, did any of those Superfriends ever become anything more?, Kara laughs, shaking her head. Reign almost killed her, Sam continues. She comes closer to her, raising her hands and clapping. No, no, no. She slips out the door, her face growing red with embarrassment and lust. Kate watches her, a smirk on her lips that are so close to Alexs face. I just needed to get away from the others. A time to get everything that was weighing her down off her chest. Kara Danvers thought she had everything, a charming spouse, a big house her divorced parents could never give her, neighbors who cared for her well-being and the life she never thought she deserved. But the job wasnt done yet. Just like your brother., Woah, Lena retorts, holding up a hand. You had plenty of chances, plenty of opportunities. Kara turns to Mon-El. To who?, Youd think in your own fantasy youd know who you want to be married too, he mumbles under his breath. And your family., He hums, a smirk crawling on his face. You would have been in extreme danger with the government if you had known. Shes too struck with his appearance, with the memories it brings back. It thuds harshly, and some dust trickles down from the ceiling. Lena is already on it, snagging a needle from her cart and injecting it into Karas vein on her forearm. Kate! she calls, raising a hand and taking a few steps toward the door to stop her. Kara doesnt back up, just leans away. She pulls away, allowing herself to get a good look at Karas face. Several dried-up pairs of Obsidians contact lenses are held under microscopes, the layers of their technology stripped back delicately. I had to watch every day as you lied to the people you cared about most. Karas eyes have drained their tears and she rests her head on her knees, staring at the doorway and listening to the agents training. You both asked me to wipe her memory after finding out, but then she brought in a truthseeker and we had no other choice., Alex rubs the marks on her hand from where the creature latched on and forced her to reveal her thoughts. The fall of Lex Luthor was affecting everyone in National City differently. I think I should have a turn., But isnt this selfish? Kara argues, gesturing at him. Alex is indeed not among the dead, but at this moment, she might wish she were. Her house symbol gets a new paint job as the red runs down her chest. Bracelet, Supergirl, bracelet, Alex whispers, hovering her finger over the trigger. Supergirls Super Day?, Cat doesnt react, just watches her. Forget it. They carry her to the tree, setting her down. The door shuts, and Kara is left alone with a ring on her finger and fresh scenes in her mind. The first one where we truly knew how we felt about each other. He looks over at her, sighing. What? She asks, screwing the top back on to the whiskey. And it broke him., Alex nods slowly. Friendships are always harder than relationships. Dream? Your relationship with him is conflicted., Conflicted, Kara repeats, eyebrows raising. Never asked., Lena chuckles. Ever since he lost Russell, he had been craving a close human connection. Alex doesnt say anything, just tilts her head in obvious knowing. You?, I havent had the pleasure of dining, but I have stopped in. He lets out a groan, watching her as she dresses. We learn from them together. It was obvious to her that her friend was trying to reach out in a formal way, using it as a business opportunity for the company. Put down the gun and we can all have a nice chat. So much worse than what she did to Lena. Thanks for sticking around. Writing puff pieces has its advantages.. Letztlich ist es nicht Reign, die Supergirl umbringen wird. It wasnt real. Lena nods, trying to look at her in the rearview mirror but not finding her face. He pauses, face scrunching as he looks up at her. You dont have to leave if-. But youre not, Kara. Alex squeezes her leg. The worst thing that had ever happened to her was having to leave Krypton and her family behind. I can feel it in my head. Please, Lena. He had managed to send them a distress signal and now, Kara and Mon-El halt in mid-air. To the most beautiful woman. I have to be.. She couldn't get any bruises that would alert them of anything. What did Maggie need help with? Kara asks, a mouthful of potsticker jumbling her words. Now go.. I came close, but I turned him down.. And yet, Alex had just taken down National Citys hero with a single Kryptonite dart. But whatever happened between them when they were last here, it changed them. Jonn? she speaks more slowly when she places him. Now, go greet the president, Director. Alex glances at her with wide eyes. My sister is a human. Ms. Mon-El!. So, how are you? I dont know. There are bags under her eyes and the corners of her mouth are tilted down, lines aging her. Mxy, this was no dream. Will we see you on Game Night? Alex asks. More news will be broadcasted once I return.. In the crowd that was watching us work across the street, I saw this man. How her tongue rolled when she said it out loud, calling him for advice on an article or just whispering it while she pictured him. Lena shakes her head, cursing herself for her actions with handling Reign. Give her the one thing shes showed us the most. Why pretend to still be my friend this long?, Lena retains her composure, finally feeling like shes getting somewhere with the hero. The Monitor was ready to return to wherever he came from. She hauls her up, pushing her out of the hole. That evening in Karas loft, Alex heads over for Sisters Night. Were you not aware?. Hesitantly, she lays her arms on Karas back and shoulder, pulling her hair out of her face. There would always be the people who were rotten to the core. It pierces her sensitive ears and wraps around her body, causing rows of goosebumps to sprout on her arms. Then, he finally recognizes its species. Patience is never a flaw, in my opinion, she starts, voice level. Its as it always was. This is the perfect opportunity. Listen, I know she hurt you but you cant do this. And what was worse than when she did it was that Lena pretended. Not everyone, she mutters. They needed insight. Whats wrong?, Its just I really want you to be there. Kara approaches, staring with wide eyes, wanting so desperately to hug the woman who gave her a start. Well, youve done incredible so far, Kara compliments, gesturing to the view and the food. I didnt want to fight you on something that is none of my business., Kara smiles, looking up at her. I was really worried about you waking up. She looks down shyly and bites her lip. I was just testing the waters., Kate shrugs, dropping her hands and circling the director. Because I think I see a pattern, and if Im right, this isnt going to end well if we dont stop her soon., When Lex was the top Luthor, he and Superman were friends. Perhaps Kara is where she learned her own similar thought complex. Lena stands, rounding her desk to pace her office in order to think. Right through my flaws and my weaknesses, and she didnt stop trying to become a part of my life because she knew I was desperate for some sort of connection with someone. I know you are here to witness the latest product L-Corp is unveiling, and I apologize that I have used that as an excuse to invite you here. The crowd gasps, reporters scribbling on their notepads and cameras flashing. But you couldve told me. Her sister had stolen her pajamas, her suit draped over a bar stool. Lena gasps a cry, wanting to take it all back but also wanting to punch the woman she loves in the face. Her mouth drops as she stares down the barrel. Smooth. Ellen. She had been struggling lately with the relationships in her life, and this hero sitting beside her seemed like a perfect model. The hero cant help her watering eyes. It was his third time enjoying the company of her little family, and the more he learned about Kara Danvers outside of work the more he grew close to her. It had been weeks since hed come over, she knew that much. Someone who understood him, who could ground him to the earth and separate his work-life from home-life. Her eyes widen as she lays on the ground, not knowing if she can keep her identity safe any longer. Lena! He was an alien who came to Earth, but, um, he had to leave when the atmosphere became too dangerous for him to live in. The hammer raises, only to check and see if she is still alive. No, its me, Kara answers, walking over to her bedside. My father remarried and I got a step-sister, so in her eyes, Im sure it looked like she had been replaced. Okay. Say we go back to being friends. It was a hard day for Kara as she worked in the DEO, training new agents, reviewing reports, going out and stopping a few criminals. They set all of them along the wall with the original find, stepping back and looking at their collection. Oh, she says quietly, taking a step back. There is a gasp and the sobs stop. Lex? Why. Its not a question. Nia was handling it and I stepped away to see if there were any more disturbances in the surrounding area. She closes her eyes, leaning her head against the glass. Also Known As You think we havent? Yeah, youre right. Not off of straight alcohol, but Imra played a trick on his mind to make him tell the truth. Im going to see you at Catco in a few hours if Im not asleep at my desk, that is.. If ever threatened, she would make the villain pay, the risk of death accompanying her promise. She was trying to bond more, and Lena didnt know why. Im a weapon, you need me.. She suspected it was because she just didnt trust her. She can feel them breaking all over again, bending and twisting in the wrong directions. She took the long route to her apartment, allowing herself enough time for a difficult phone call. Her thoughts are clouded with an image of one person. Would it have been better if we never met? Im here! Alex yells, banging her fists on the beam to make noise. A reason that involved me and a gun. And then with Maggie. Of course, he did not know if he would be back tomorrow, or in just twenty minutes from now. What do you mean?, I havent gone on a single date since you left. Because fairness is overrated, Kara Zor-El. Theres one more part to this show, then Ill let you be.. He sits back down and opens the next one, instantly shutting it after seeing a glimpse of whats inside. She sits up, propping herself up with an elbow. They embrace, greeting each other kindly. You have so much potential, Lena. He slowly opens an eye, gazing up at her worried face. You gave me a spare key.. Alex yelps as well. Im kinda glad youre out, is that weird? Experience the same pain and emotion? Kara stands before him dressed in regular street clothes, wanting some answers. Alex isnt focused on Lenas face so much as the gun in her hand. It didnt matter. Which would have meant Alex had died when I could have saved her.. I mean, talking out loud by yourself. Every step of the way. Both Kassandra and Alexios grow up in Sparta. To give her something to let her know she has not lost her entirely. I thought I saw him. And she was stupid enough to have gone along with it. Sorry?, As Director of the DEO, I appreciate her presence and having her on the team. But its all a facade. Youre the one person in her life that has loved her for who she is, who has been there for her. She was still lying. Give yourself time., Lenas mouth goes flat. I Kara tries, backing out of the room. Shall we?. James emerges from a hallway and squats down next to her, nudging her leg. I wondered how long it would take you to ask. I didnt think it would be this hard for you. All we do is talk, or I talk. Nia mustve heard me say his name and I ran over to him before I realized it wasnt him. That is mine for falling too hard and too fast., She covers his hand with hers, shaking her head. But we are here now, and we still have a whole lot of work to do., Alex smiles, rubbing her sisters arm. Im not asking. All of the heroes had managed to evacuate Kara and Clarks earth, and for the moment, everyone was safe. I cant believe this happened to you. His beard is cropped closer to his face, and she is able to trace the line of his jaw, see his mouth clearer. Kara silences from behind the door, and much to her surprise and Lenas, the door falls to the ground in a heavythump, causing Lena to open her eyes and look at her door. Just about as rare as it is to find someone, something, truly important.". She has a wife. I am, she responds, putting her palm on his neck. But why is it here? She asks. 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