And did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to offer upon mine altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod before me? An earlier version of this article was presented to the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, Calif., November 2225, 2014. He was a Nazarite, yet broke many rules of the Nazarite vow. 3) Hophni and Phinehas, Elis sons, refused to listen to the voice & rebuke of their father (1 Samuel 2:25) and it was the LORDs will to put them to death. WebSamuel was born about 1105BC and was the son of Elkanah and Hannah, from the tribe of Levi. Together, these structural and rhetorical conventions of exposition provide evidence of the independence of the prophetic history of the rise of kingship that begins with the story of Samuel.19 They also signal that the remarkable outcome of the story could have been orchestrated by no one but JHWH. In Poland, birth counts were steady or increasing in the first years of this century, but declined steadily after 2016. 3. Examination discloses that this is still another account of Sauls rise without an anointing story; Saul is chosen king as the judgesthe leaders of the Israelites during their conquest of the land of Canaanwere chosen, by a charismatic display of military courage and leadership. Throughout this study, unless otherwise noted, I have relied on the following standard sources for the meaning of individual Hebrew words and phrases: James Strong, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Abington Press, 1890, 1973 printing); and Francis Brown, S.R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs, The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody, Mass. 68. These analogies and contrasts enrich and deepen the rhetorical possibilities and sharpen and intensify the meaning that can be extracted from each individual account and from all of them taken together.. The always busy Keke Palmer has added a new title to her long list of credits, and this one is much more important than all the others. This tradition has two questionable features: Samuel is the only judge who is a permanent magistrate as well as a military leader, and his conclusive victory over the Philistines in chapter 7 cannot be historical, since it is contradicted by the subsequent military exploits of Saul and David. There must have been some reason why Samuel was important enough to be remembered for a major role in the establishment of the monarchy. He is Senior Curator of the LDS Church History Department, where he has worked his entire career creating museum exhibits, restoring historic sites, and leading initiatives. 62. Type Scene: Chosen Judge. The concept of covenant not only unifies this brief but auspicious narrative but also positions it centrally within the larger epic of Gods ancient covenant people in the holy land. While Samuel ministered to the Lord (1 Samuel 2:18). So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. While Elkanahs traditional devotion preserves the identity of an obscure nuclear family, Hannahs singular devotion eventually blesses all Israel. As crafted, the interpretive focus of the Samuel story is clearly the long-term effects of Hannahs spiritual initiative. 72. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision. It is quite unlikely that either the powers of the king or the prerogatives of the priest were as closely defined as this in the early period. While Hannah is identified as the preferred of Elkanahs two wives, the account repeats three times that she has no children, a major source of shame for women in biblical Israel.20 This characterization also identifies the accounts first dramatic tension: that between Elkanahs preferred but barren wife and her co-wife Peninnah, who had given Elkanah multiple sons and daughters. The central thesis of this study is that the literary craftsmanship of this account focuses the readers attention on JHWHs abiding covenant with biblical Israel. I thank Steven Walker, Richard Dilworth Rust, Rex Cooper, and Fred Woods for their helpful comments on prior drafts of this article. That the narrator of 1Samuel 13 instructively employs this convention is evident from the paired customary behaviors of eating/drinking and fasting, on the one hand, and hearing and seeing, on the other. As crafted, the account of Samuels calling corrects Israels general spiritual malaise (see 3:1), makes explicit Samuels newfound, firsthand knowledge of God (see 3:7), and establishes Samuels role as prophet of the Lord among all Israel (3:20, 4:1a). Behold, the days come, that I will cut off thine arm, and the arm of thy fathers house, that there shall not be an old man in thine house. While I accept the perspective attributed to Gregory the Great, Scripture grows with its readers, cited by Andre LaCocque and Paul Ricoeur, I contend that the authors first corollary of this positionthe abandonment of the concern . The pathways involved in the development of metabolic dysfunction across generations in the context of childhood Gender: Female. Thus, faithfulness to God seems to be more central to the Bibles theological interpretation of history75 than the particular political or social forms of human societies. Characterization. A literary pattern that assists readers in this process of discovery involves a characters first speech and first action. Not in Heaven: Coherence and Complexity in Biblical Narrative (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991); and Robert Alter, The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary (New York: W.W. Norton, 2004), ixxlviii, among many others. While Elkanah focuses on outward and formal family concerns and is emotionally distant from everyone in the narrative, including his wife and children, Hannah is consistently preoccupied with personal devotions to God and is emotionally connected with everyone around her, regardless of their attitude toward her. Brought to the Temple at Shiloh as a young child to serve God in Rather than accepting her husbands invitation that she privilege her spousal role and enjoy its intended personal benefits (the worthy portion), Hannah chooses instead to focus on her maternal role: nurturing Samuel at home while he remains dependent on her for life and sustenance. On the other hand, Elkanahs worthy portion offering to Hannah seems to be a principal source of the dramatic tension between Hannah and Peninnah, discussed above, and between Elkanah and Hannah that is expressed in Elkanahs first direct speech, discussed below. 8. To keep readers focused on the storys central purpose, the narrator adds a bit of narrative commentary on Samuels faithful service before and after each vignette (2:11b, 18, 21b, 26). As crafted, the story focuses on Hannahs compelling spiritual need, which drives her to the temple, fasting in bitterness of soul. In her private devotion, Hannah neither undercuts her husbands patriarchal authority nor repudiates his ritual status in the family. But Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with people. (1 Samuel 2:26). The intentionality of the narrators contrast between Eli and Hannah, introduced earlier, is further developed in the pejorative allusions to Belial51 and the editorial comment employing the verb yada (knew). They were not divided into two books until the Old Testament was translated into Greek. The key points relevant to the present study are that (1)type scenes are a common literary convention of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, (2)1Samuel 13 shows abundant evidence of the likely intentional use of this convention, and (3)type scenes enhance considerably the spiritual significance of the Samuel account. In order to deliver on its analytical promise, this study must now demonstrate how the contents and literary conventions used to craft this brief narrative can be understood in terms of a unified interpretive whole. Characterization: Priest and Suppliant. The rate of decline averaged 4% from 2016 to 2021 and jumped to 8% in 2022. Thus, the ambivalent and matter-of-fact introduction of the priests at Shiloh implies that while central to the story of Samuels beginnings, Eli and his sons will play roles that are marginal to or destructive of their high ritual status. McCarter observes, In certain cases it is clear that the raised horn refers specifically to progeny, hence the possible allusion to Hannah and her firstborn.48. Strong, Exhaustive Concordance, 1228. (3:110, 1921; 4:1a). 11. 55. Samuel was a Lamanite. While a literary study of the Bible does not require readers to be proficient in biblical Hebrew or Greek, it does acknowledge that a familiarity with relevant cultural, historical, and linguistic insights is more than useful. 60. We may never know for sure whether a covenant perspective actually motivated those who crafted the inherited text over the centuries of its development. In accomplishing this mission, the man of God encounters only Eli, delivers his message faithfully and confidentially, and then disappears immediately, apparently never to be seen or heard fromagain. Nothing is clearer in the final form of the text than Yahwehs utter mastery of the situation, whatever it may be. Polzin, Samuel, 4. Flashbacks of the and why eatest thou not? David Noel Freedman, 6vols. Acknowledging that the meaning of a particular text is enhanced by a legacy of readers does not necessarily mean that its authors original literary intentions are therefore irrelevant to the hermeneutical quest. See Genesis 30:2224 for a similarly structured sequence of events regarding childbirth. David had been shuffled off to his fathers fields to work as a shepherd boy. 1. By the oracle of Yahweh, Samuel secretly anointed David as king (chapter 16). On the use of exposition as a literary convention, see Meir Sternberg, Expositional Modes and Temporal Ordering in Fiction (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978). Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord. Parallelism is a general literary convention that links together different parts of the biblical text in a variety of customary and meaningful ways. Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice. P. Kyle McCarter Jr., I Samuel: A New Translation with Introduction, Notes, and Commentary, Anchor Bible series, ed. In the Samuel story, the narrator uses the verb amen, translated establish, in order to prefigure Samuels auspicious priestly career in the voice of his faithful fatheronly the Lord establish his word (1:23)and to launch Samuels public ministry at the storys climax: And all Israel from Dan even to Beer-sheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord. The Hebrew verb has strong ritual, symbolic, and covenantal connotations, suggesting that: Establish in these contexts provides a categorical contrast with verbs repeated by the man of God in his condemnation of the house of Eli. Genesis 2428, 38; Ruth 14. By contrast, Samuel executes his mission completely in the public eye. Thus, Samuel is rightly considered to be one of the preeminent personalities of the Hebrew Bible, and his remarkable ministry makes the brief narrative of his birth, childhood, and divine calling worthy of serious examination.3, The present study argues that the literary craftsmanship of the text is as expressive of its meaning as are its descriptive contents. WebThe birth and dedication of Samuel. 16. Her first direct speech, for example, expresses her private but poignant vow to God, which defines her lifes purpose and sacred identity: O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look upon the afflictions of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.28 All of her subsequent speeches and actions align with and strengthen her devotional character (see 1:2028; 2:110, 1921). Give, 18390. Strong, Exhaustive Concordance, 122533. 3. PTSD symptoms can include: Frequent nightmares. Regarding the poetic qualities of Hannahs song, see McCarter, ISamuel, 6776. Samuel Adams Life Jan 1, 1736. In the majority of offenses, cutting off means a cutting out which leads to banishment or excommunication from the cultic community and the covenant people. TDOT, 7:348. As crafted, Samuels initial prophecy confirms the scathing condemnation of Eli by the man of God and inaugurates Samuels own prophetic ministry. When Hannah subsequently bears three sons and two daughters, the phrase announcing the births uses the verb paqad, translated visited. This issue carries significant economic, psychological, and social costs for the families affected. I pray thee hide it not from me: God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that he said unto thee. When Hannah presents herself to Eli as a barren woman who has finally given birth because the Lord answered her prayer, she not only thanks the Lord for His favor to her, she also bears public witness to His mighty deeds, of which she has personal experience. Simon, Prophetic Narratives, 28. My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971), s.v. 76. William F. Albright and David Noel Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1980), 6366. See Robert Alter, Ancient Israel: The Former Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, A Translation with Commentary (New York: W.W. Norton, 2013), 257; Robert Polzin, Samuel and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History, Part Two: 1Samuel (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993), 1954; Uriel Simon, Reading Prophetic Narratives, trans. 21. The Lord . Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto. Despite Hannahs concern for personal legitimacy, her familys status before the Lord is assured by Elkanahs annual devotionals at Shiloh and the resulting devotional lifestyle that is implied by his faithfulness to this ritual obligation. Birth Year: 1797. Verses1126 in 1Samuel provide a more dynamic interplay of these two literary conventions as the text presents three vignettes that condemn the gluttony of Elis sons (2:1217), illustrate Hannahs continued devotion to her firstborn and Elis blessing to Samuels parents (2:1921a), and condemn the promiscuity of Elis sons (2:2225). Simon, Prophetic Narratives, 3637, 43, systematically compares the miraculous birth narratives of the Hebrew Bible and summarizes this biblical scene type. He has been president or board member of a variety of state, regional, and national professional service organizations. Web1 Samuel 1. The Birth of Samuel. He died, and his ghost was evoked by a necromancer, or sorceress, at the request of Saul; he then announced a third time the rejection of Saul (chapter 28). (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 5:52829. Elkanahs response, Do what seemeth thee good, dismissively concedes her commitment to care for her firstborn. Because the verb tenses connected with these events indicate their repetitive nature, Elkanahs customary ritual routine defines his familys traditional identity. And the Lord called yet again, Samuel. The segment opens with a brief narrative of Samuels birth and the continuation of the annual devotional at Ramah, punctuated by Hannahs reflection on the childs naming, which is expressed as direct speech.39 The rest of the segment consists of dialogues between Hannah and Elkanah (1:2223) and between Hannah and Eli (1:2628), with a brief narrative bridge uniting the two scenes (1:2425). The phrase were there identifies only that they are present at the temple, not that they are functioning worthily. The Amalekites are destroyed by David and his men. While the appearance of the man of God is motivated by the scathing accounts of gluttony and promiscuity that immediately precede it, the man of God himself shows up spontaneously and unannounced. . Houston marries Margaret Lea of Marion, Alabama, a strict Baptist who curbs his drinking and bears his eight children. In gratitude she dedicated 1 Chronicles 6:27 identifies Jeroham, Samuels paternal grandfather, as a Levite. Samsons story skips . By faithfully filling the crucial roles of prophet, priest, and judge, Samuel helped to transform the House of Israel from a collection of weak and often warring tribes to a relatively permanent and somewhat stable nation in the contentious ancient Middle East. More in-depth and insightful exposition of a literary approach to scripture can be found in such sources as Erich Auerbach, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, trans. And he said, What is the thing that the Lord hath said unto thee? Subsequent events in the narrative bear out this contrast: the sons of Eli abuse the ritual offering and are categorically rejected by the Lord, but the Lord appears to Samuel and gives him his first and subsequent prophecies. And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh: and the child was young. Yahweh, Samuel executes his mission completely in the context of childhood Gender what was significant about the birth and childhood of samuel Female the. Pathways involved in the development of metabolic dysfunction across generations in the of... 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